Thursday, April 4, 2013

Introducing Our Kelantan State

Ambo Anok Kelate!

When we talked about Kelantan State, we will definitely imagine their food, beach, people, culture and heritage. But are we really know about the culture and heritage in Kelantan? I don't think so....
So here a bit brief regarding Kelantan history...

"Kelantan is a state neighboring the southern provinces of Thailand, formerly known as Patani Darul Salam. Historically, Kelantan has a very close relationship with the Sultanate of Patani Sultanate supported by Islam. Kelantan Sultanate where blood relatives Sultanate and the Sultanate of Patani State Champa. After being betrayed by the Patani Sultanate Siam and the British then it was conquered by Thailand. Patani was broken into small regions consisting of Yala (Yala), Narathiwat (Tower), Pattani and Songkla (Senggora).

Under the British-Siamese treaty of 1948 demographics of southern Siam government has separated. Kelantan goes under Malaysia when the countries under Thailand is Pattani. By the way Kelantan has a unique culture that is very tightly linked to the culture of Patani State. Cultural assimilation between Malays, Siamese and Islam produces Dikir Barat, Main Puteri, Mak Yong and for instance. Mak Yong is influenced by the culture of Siam (Thailand), while Dikir Barat also has Islamic elements. Main Puteri is also said to be impregnated by the Hindu culture. Kelantan is also rich with traditional food and Malay food different from any other country. Among the traditional foods are nutritious Kelantan recognized as Budu." - taken from Website

Kelantan has a diverse culture and heritage. Among the games and traditional entertainment in Kelantan are:

Dikir Barat
Main Puteri

Wayang Kulit
Wau Bulan

Although there are many entertainment and traditional elements in kelantan that can be inherited from generation to generation, But today many traditional games and entertainment has not repeated. Most entertainment like Main Puteri been discontinued because it contains animism beliefs that may bring negative elements to the community.

*Photos are taken from Google image.


  1. i would like to see wayang its look and how they play?

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